Winnie's Honey 100% Natural Pure Honey. We promise to care and protect the dear bees that help us to collect our precious honey daily. To ensure the best quality of every fresh drop and deliver it, pure and simply to your home. Our customers deserve the best quality of honey.

Proudly Malaysian owned and grown since 1982, Winnie's Honey is sold locally and across border. All of this is possible because our dedicated team and most importantly our hardworking bees. Our team continuously find innovative ways to produce honey effectively and improving quality.
Winnie's Bee Farm is committed to quality assurance, product innovation and driving consumer awareness. Our farm is open 24/7 to encourage consumers to visit our farm and get more exposure about honey and bees. Our aim is also to educate consumers about our products as well as honey and bees.
Our commitment is to deliver the best quality bee products such as honey, honey comb, bee pollen, propolis, royal jelly and many more to meet consumers satisfaction. All our products has obtained lab test and are MESTI CERTIFIED.
We ensure that all our products meet the highest standard and compliance with Malaysian Standard and Food Hygiene Regulations.
We Produce Purest Honey

About Bees
Bees are such an integral part of our ecosystem, the world's most devoted pollinators. Honey bee are social creatures that enlist a caste system to accomplish the task that ensure the survival of the colony. A Honey colony consists of three adult castes: Worker, Drones and Queens.
The only fertile female in the colony, within each colony, a single queen rules her workers and drones, throughout her life, she lays eggs and secretes a pheromone that keeps all other females in the colony sterile, Queen can survive up to five years.
All sterile females, have a life span of only six weeks, they are extremely active foraging for food, storing nectar, feeding larvae and producing honey.
The only job of the Male drones is to mate with the Queen during mating flight, and soon after mating, drones die.